Teddy Bear Digital

Remote English teaching 2.0
The year 2020 had started well. We were all fired up to celebrate our 30 years history and reposition the Teddy Bear brand, when suddenly we were taken aback by the suspension of face-to-face classes due to the pandemic COVID 19. The suspension of teaching/learning the English language looked like it could generate irreparable losses and set our student’ development back irrevocably.
It was clear that our world was not prepared for this crisis, but we came to see that adversity, as bad as it is, can open up new opportunities. We are strong believers in the power of innovation and are always seeking fresh solutions to new challenges. So, in this spirit, we set out to find an efficient solution to keep our students connected with their development in the English language.
Thus, Teddy Bear Digital was born, an innovative model of distance education created by Teddy Bear. We aim to deliver high-quality content directly to students, wherever they are, via our exclusive Teddy Tech platform, powered by Moodle technology.

Through this experience, we have honed an effective online teaching approach that harnesses a user-friendly and accessible digital environment, allowing for engaging, creative and, above all, efficient learning experiences. Our students actively participate in the construction of knowledge. They don't just listen to classes passively, do homework or study for tests - they use technology to put the theory they have learned into practice

Teddy Tech is available to all students, from beginners to the most advanced levels, via a new educational environment that challenges the notion that virtual teaching platforms are boring or difficult to navigate.
What makes us different:


Live classes twice a week, led by cultural educators who are proficient in teaching methodology.


Our unique Teddy Bear platform offers more than just live classes - Teddy Tech provides a wealth of additional resources and is constantly evolving.


Dynamic content, exercises and interactive activities are added to the platform weekly that support the development of linguistic competence, whilst at the same time, motivating users to enjoy learning the English language.


All content (video lessons, content, activities) published on the platform is permanently available, allowing students to revisit it whenever they wish.


Classes are recorded and made available for students to view and review whenever they want.


Navigation is easy, friendly and intuitive. After a few minutes on the platform, the student already feels safe to continue alone.

Selected Feedback:

SUPPORT AND FREEDOM: “I gave technical support in the first class and then left my daughter at ease in class to learn!!!! The teacher is dynamic and playful, kind and we wish that all schools had this methodology, as it arouses the student's interest in the class. The class was really cool and productive! ”

MOMENTS OF JOY: “We believe that Teddy Bear is consistent and uses common sense in its communications, and is always concerned with the well-being of its students. Teddy Bear provides agreeable moments, and in this moment of isolation, students need these moments of joy and it makes me very happy when I hear my son’s interaction and his laughter when he is attending classes.”

The 30th anniversary of Teddy Bear: present in the real world and in the virtual world, bringing you our magical transformative environment.

Get in touch and schedule a virtual tour.
To register, just fill in your data and you will receive the link to access the virtual environment.