Our approach

Language learning that goes beyond Culture
Teddy Bear prioritises the rapid development of English fluency and proficiency so that our students leave bilingually proficient, possessing a deep knowledge of cultural values and a rich baggage of experience. We base our methodology on the ‘Learn by Doing’ approach that invokes our students to experiment, learn and be prepared to interact in a world that requires connections and social skills.
Understand how we make the ordinary extraordinary:


We specialise in teaching the English language to children from the age of 2 up to teenagers in secondary school, who are between 15 and 17 years old.


We define classes in accordance with the school calendar, emotional-cognitive maturity and an assessment of each student’s knowledge of English.


A limited number of students per class (an average of 7 students), to enable greater interaction and individualized attention.


We provide a full-time specialized pedagogical team that develops their skills and knowledge continuously and that works daily to evolve our methodology and monitor the performance of all our teachers and students.


We offer total English immersion: each student is welcomed in English and is encouraged to interact in an environment where English is the primary means of communication.


We are a test centre for the international TOEFL exam, a certification accepted and recognized worldwide. We invite applications twice yearly, which are optional for students and cater from levels A1 (9 years old) to C1 (from 17 years old).

Teddy Bear School has worked hard to develop its own methodology and exclusive Educational Programs® that promote effective language learning through an engaging interaction with the cultural context in which students are inserted, an experience that goes well beyond the classroom.

John Dewey, the American educator and pioneer of progressive education, coined a phrase that delights us and has inspired our planning: “Education is a social process, it is development. It is not the preparation for life, it is life itself.”

It is through such ideas that we seek to guide our students to reach their full potential, and in so doing, make visible what may not otherwise be seen: how our unique methodology and organizational culture work hand-in-hand to deliver extraordinary results.
Educational Programs®
Technology in class for life skills!

The 21st century student needs to critically analyse information and digital stimuli on a daily basis. To this end, we provide resources that contextualize the content of classes through dynamic pedagogical activities using technology in a natural and organic way.

Learning comes to life in the kitchen!

We harness culinary experiences as a means to enrich our students' knowledge of English, whilst at the same time arousing interest in a useful and important life skill: cooking.

When the body moves the brain remembers!

We use physical exercise through outdoor sports activities to develop motor coordination, group work, cooperation, discipline, autonomy, authentic language, rules and fair play.


We spark curiosity and stimulate a taste for reading and writing, developing important academic skills such as critical thinking, creativity and the ability to use one’s imagination.

Planting and harvesting for strong bodies and strong minds.

In this program we explore one of the most pressing and relevant topics of our times: sustainability and environmental education. To do so, our students use our organic gardens to actively participate in the entire cycle of planting, developing and harvesting vegetables, fruits and vegetables.

STORYTELLING touches our hearts and enriches our brain.

An educational program ® that stimulates a love of reading and develops curiosity, imagination and critical interpretation skills, whilst at the same time sparking lively social interaction, which creates memorable experiences for our students.

Food for thought! Growing healthy habits for life!

This program promotes social interaction in a spontaneous and contextualized way, transforming snack time into a moment of human contact and English dialogue where we use games, riddles and other fun activities to explore the world of food.

Public Speaking Matters!

This program promotes social interaction in a spontaneous and contextualized way, transforming snack time into a moment of human contact and English dialogue where we use games, riddles and other fun activities to explore the world of food.


We teach international English, in all its variations. Our students will be able to understand and make themselves understood in any country or context where English is the language used as the medium of communication.

Not at all. Learning in the early years of childhood needs to be playful and acquired through meaningful experiences, which involve children discovering about themselves, others and the world around them. Learning another language at an early age is a great stimulus for the development of their full potential.

Moreover, in the early years of childhood the muscles of the face are developing, which facilitates the pronunciation of sounds characteristic of the English language, such as "th".

So, bottom line, the sooner the better! This forms the main philosophy of Teddy Bear.

At Teddy Bear, students are evaluated from different perspectives, such as: language development, classroom performance and their performance as a whole. From 8/9 years old, when they start to learn to listen, understand, speak, read and write simultaneously, they are able to take a holistic formal assessment.

Teddy Bear’s Cultural Educators are carefully selected for their ability to successfully teach English to children and adolescents, taking into account their previous educational experience and academic background.

ABefore entering a Teddy Bear classroom, our selected professionals take an immersion course in our methodology. In addition, they receive weekly pedagogical support and undertake continuous training through the Teddy Bear Corporate Education Program.

Our students graduate at an advanced level, usually when they are in the second year of high school or grade 11 and 12 (aged 16/17 years - one year or a semester before “Vestibular”.

There is no normal break as such, but instead we provide the Educational Program Snack Time during the period of the class. This transforms traditional snack time into a fun and educational activity that uses English to explore topics such as food, nutrition, hygiene, sustainability and food culture among others.

Not at all. With our dynamic and interactive methodology, students are both active and engaged and are able to attain an excellent weekly level of performance.

This 3-hour sessions offer the student an intense immersion in the English language, which in our experience is very productive and positive for learning.

Yes. From 8-9 years of age, when literacy in Portuguese has been already consolidated and literacy in English has started, students will be assigned homework.

Yes, that’s right. Our brains are transformed when we find different ways of communicating in a language that is not our native language.

At Teddy Bear, from the first day of school, their Cultural Educator will impress upon students that English will be the language of communication between them from that point on. Having said that, we use Portuguese at our Reception desk and during our welcome to parents to ensure communication is comfortable for all concerned.